The NHS has appointed Baywater Healthcare to take over the Home Oxygen Service in the East of England from 1st February 2025.
We want to take this opportunity to welcome you to our Home Oxygen Service. Here we will share information with you on our serivce and anything else you may need.
Who we are
Baywater Healthcare was one of the original suppliers of the Home Oxygen Service when it began in 2006. Since then, we have provided home oxygen to almost a million patients.
Every day, we support over 40,000 patients and Healthcare Professionals across several services, including:
- Home oxygen therapy
- Home oxygen assessment and review (HOS-AR)
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Home sleep diagnostics
- Sleep apnoea therapy (CPAP)
- Nebuliser therapy
- Managed telehealth
- Virtual wards
- Ventilation
- Recovery oxygen (oxygen supplies for Healthcare Professionals)
Patient care is at the heart of everything that we do.
You can find more information on our services by browsing our website. The home page has links to each therapy.

Actions needed
You do not need to do anything. Your oxygen patients’ details have been transferred to us directly from BOC via a secure method.
Please submit HOOFs via our Online Portal. You can access or register for our Online Portal at www.baywater.co.uk/services/home-oxygen-therapy/healthcare-professionals/our-online-portal
Access our Online Portal
We have contacted oxygen patients directly to provide them with guidance. Oxygen patients should be directed to call our Healthcare Helpline at 0800 373580 for any required assistance, including questions, support, oxygen cylinder refills, oxygen consumable replacements, etc. Oxygen refill requests can also be made online on our website.
If your oxygen patients have questions, please direct them to our website, where we have a page of helpful information at www.baywater.co.uk/east-of-england-update

Common questions
You can find answers to many common questions on our website here:
We have also included the list of specific questions and answers below, which we hope you will find helpful.
Can we have a booklet on the equipment available?
We have a HCP equipment guide which is available in literature section of our Online Portal.
Has HOS-AR equipment changed?
You will keep all your HOS-AR equipment; however, we will change any cylinders you may have to Baywater Healthcare cylinders when you call for replenishment, or we visit to service your equipment.
Does Baywater Healthcare supply oxygen equipment outside of the UK?
No, we only supply oxygen equipment inside the UK. The process for arranging oxygen outside the UK will vary depending on the destination. We may be able to provide further guidance if you contact our Clinicians Helpline at 01270 218050. Further advice from the NHS can be found here: www.nhs.uk/conditions/home-oxygen-treatment/
Can patients take their portable concentrators or equipment abroad?
Baywater Healthcare is only commissioned to provide oxygen in the United Kingdom and therefore does not advocate taking oxygen abroad.
How will you notify me of training and any updates?
We will send you an e-newsletter called HOTflash, notify your Integrated Care Board’s (ICB’s) Home Oxygen Leads and update the information on this webpage.
Has the contract service specification changed?
Yes, there are some changes which were communicated during training sessions. Recordings of these training sessions are available on this page.
One key change is that the service will be available seven days a week for installations and urgent orders, including Bank Holidays.
Response times:
Standard HOOF – Installation within three days.
Next day HOOF – Installation the next day.
Urgent HOOF – Installation within four hours. These are for urgent oxygen orders that cannot wait until the next day.
Do we have a Regional Clinical Adviser?
Yes, our Regional Clinical Adviser for the East of England is Segun Bamidele. You can learn more about Segun by viewing his bio using the below weblink:
Which areas are affected by this change?
All areas within the East of England Home Oxygen Region have transfered from BOC to Baywater Healthcare.
The following ICBs are affected:
- Bedford, Luton & Milton Keynes ICB (Milton Keynes is part of the South Central Home Oxygen Region and will remain with Dolby Vivisol)
- Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICB
- Mid & South Essex ICB
- Norfolk & Waveney ICB
- Suffolk & North East Essex ICB
- Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB
Have the patients already supplied by BOC stayed with BOC?
All patients have automatically transfered to Baywater Healthcare, their most recent HOOF information will be visible to healthcare professionals on our Online Portal.
Do Baywater Healthcare provide cannula for neonatal patients?
Yes Baywater Healthcare supply cannulas for flow rates from 0.01lpm.
Do Baywater Healthcare provide cannula that can fit around a babies head?
Yes Baywater Healthcare provide a variety of neonatal and paediatric sized cannula, suitable for all head shapes and sizes.
Can I see oxygen orders completed by other Healthcare Professionals?
Yes all orders for a patient can be seen in the oxygen portal, no matter who ordered it.
Do patients still receive electricity reimbursement for their oxygen concentrators?
Yes reimbursements will be made quarterly for oxygen concentrator use.
If I have a patient who is suffering financial hardship can they have a monthly electricity reimbursement?
Although this is not available for all patients, those who are experiencing financial hardship will be able to have a monthly reimbursement for their electricity cost, providing they inform Baywater Healthcare of their meter reading each month.
Do Baywater Healthcare provide safety advice for carers of paediatric patients about the risk of strangulation?
Yes, the oxygen booklet and Healthcare Technician safety training provided to parents and carers details this information, this includes safe cannula fitting and laying static cylinders down to reduce the risk.
Have patients had their equipment swapped to Baywater Healthcare’s equipment?
Patients have retained their current equipment, other than cylinders. These will be changed to Baywater Healthcare’s cylinders as they have their cylinders replenished.
I cover several ICB areas in East of England, can I see patients in more than one area in the oxygen portal?
When registering you can request access to all of East of England, this will enable you to see patients who reside in different ICB localities.
Can I download a copy of the HOOF and IHORM for NHS records?
Yes, the Online Portal provides you with the ability to save a copy of both the IHORM and HOOF forms. It is Baywater Healthcare’s recommendation that both are saved into the patients NHS clinical record.
Can I order multiple portable modalities e.g a lightweight cylinder and a standard ambulatory cylinder?
We would advise that you comply with regional local policy regarding this. If agreed and clinically suitable, Baywater Healthcare will provide more than one portable modality type.
Will Healthcare Professionals receive written information regarding the equipment and flow durations that Baywater Healthcare provide?
There is a Healthcare Professional Guide that is available to all Healthcare Professionals and is downloadable from the literature section hosted in the Online Portal.
Is there a safety video available for patients?
Yes, there is a safety video hosted on the Baywater Healthcare website, which patients can access or be shown to ensure their safety. This is also available within our Online Portal for Healthcare Professionals to view at any time.
How do I register for the oxygen portal?
You can access or register for our Online Portal at www.baywater.co.uk/services/home-oxygen-therapy/healthcare-professionals/our-online-portal/.
Will my service receive training?
Yes, the Baywater Healthcare Clinical Adviser (Segun Bamidele) will be in touch to arrange training in February or March with you and your team. Segun is accepting training bookings now, if you wish to organise training with him, please email [email protected]
If I have questions regarding reports we receive, where do I direct them to?
Our contracts team will support reporting enquiries; these should be directed to [email protected]
Does Baywater Healthcare have a smoking policy
Yes, Baywater Healthcare does have a policy for patients who smoke and will follow a process to support Healthcare Professionals on safety relating to complex patients. If you require support with a complex patient, Segun Bamidele (East of England Clinical Adviser) can be contacted at [email protected]
Do I need to complete an IHORM for every time I order oxygen for a patient?
Baywater Healthcare recommends that an IHORM is completed at least annually. HOOF A prescribers will be required to complete an IHORM for each HOOF ordered, however, HOOF B prescribers will only be required to complete one annually or if there has been a change to the patient’s personal circumstances.
If we update a HOOF, will previous HOOF’s be visible on the portal
All HOOF’s that the patient has had while provided services by Baywater Healthcare are visible on the portal, despite HOOF’s being updated. Please be aware that only the most recent HOOF that BOC had for the patient has transfered to Baywater Healthcare.
How much notice do you need for a holiday request?
We request two weeks’ notice ideally; however, we appreciate that sometimes patients urgently need to go to a respite location. Therefore, we will accept an urgent request if this is the case.
Can patients still order UK holiday oxygen or change of address oxygen over the telephone
Yes, they can still order both holiday and change of address oxygen over the telephone, providing they are requesting the same equipment as is on their current HOOF. If alternative equipment is required, the patient/carer will be directed to their Healthcare Professional to request a new HOOF.
Do Baywater Healthcare provide ear protectors for nasal cannula?
Yes these are available and can be requested by either the patient or Healthcare Professional on the Clinical Helpline 01270 218050, the product is called EZ wraps when you need to order them.
ICB contact list
Home Oxygen Service
East of England HOS Regional Lead
[email protected]
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes ICB
[email protected]
[email protected]
NHS Mid and South Essex ICB
[email protected]
[email protected]
NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB
[email protected]
[email protected]
NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB
[email protected]
NHS Suffolk and North Essex ICB
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB
[email protected]
Home Oxygen Service Training Videos
We have completed live training sessions on the Home Oxygen Service for both HOOF A and HOOF B prescibers. Recordings of these training sessions can be viewed here.