Modern Slavery Policy Statement

This statement was published in July 2024 by Baywater Healthcare UK Limited in accordance with Section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 to set out the steps taken by Baywater Healthcare UK Limited to ensure no form of modern slavery takes place in its operations.



Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Baywater Healthcare recognises that it has a legal responsibility to take a robust approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all its business dealings and to put in place all possible steps to ensure that its supply chains are free from slavery or human trafficking. The company’s approach to this is consistent with the disclosure obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and expects the same high standards from all contractors, suppliers and business partners. Baywater Healthcare has implemented and enforces effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within its business or in any of the supply chains.


Organisation structure and supply chains

Baywater Healthcare is a specialist homecare service provider that delivers services on behalf of the NHS. Our registered company is in England, with our Head Office based in Crewe, Cheshire. We operate in the Home Oxygen and Respiratory Therapy markets across the United Kingdom.


Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

Baywater Healthcare recognises its responsibility to combat modern slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain and operations. As a supplier delivering services on behalf of the NHS, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and ensuring that slavery and human trafficking have no place in any aspect of our business activities. This policy is communicated to all employees and suppliers, emphasising our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. This Modern Slavery (Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking) Policy interacts with the following workplace policies and procedures, which can be found in the company’s Quality Management System. Employees are encouraged to review these policies regularly and they are also available on request from Baywater Healthcare’s HR department.


Due diligence processes

Baywater Healthcare has established due diligence processes to ensure that our suppliers and stakeholders share our commitment to eliminating modern slavery. We will conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess their compliance with anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. This includes evaluating their policies, practices, and procedures related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We have a Supplier Code of Conduct in place outlining our expectations of suppliers to support our commitment to eliminating modern slavery. Our Procurement team are responsible for conducting supplier assessments to evaluate their policies and practices related to human rights and labour standards. We engage with suppliers to provide guidance and support in implementing best practices for ethical sourcing and labour standards.


Risk assessment and management

We regularly assess the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains. This assessment includes evaluating the countries and industries in which we operate, as well as conducting risk assessments of our suppliers. We use this information to prioritise areas for action and implement appropriate measures to mitigate risks.



Baywater Healthcare monitors its efforts to combat modern slavery through regular audits, reviews and assessments. We have an internal audit schedule covering all operations and supply chains to ensure compliance with our policies and identify areas for improvement. We adopt a continuous improvement approach and enlist the support of external stakeholders and industry partners to gather feedback to improve our approach. Baywater Healthcare use the following monitoring indicators to measure the effectiveness of actions in managing the modern slavery and human trafficking risks in any part of its business or supply chains.


Training on modern slavery and trafficking

We provide training and awareness programs to our employees and suppliers to raise awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking issues and equip them with the knowledge and tools to identify and address potential risks. This includes training on our Modern Slavery statement, ethical sourcing practices, and reporting mechanisms for raising concerns. This training aims to educate employees and supply chain partners about the various forms of modern slavery, including forced labour, human trafficking and exploitative practices. By raising awareness, the training equips our employees with the knowledge to identify and respond to potential concerns. It includes understanding the legal frameworks, recognising signs of exploitation, and implementing reporting mechanisms.


This policy statement is approved by the board of directors at Baywater Healthcare.

Signed on behalf of Baywater Healthcare on 1st July 2024.

Name: Adam Sullivan

Position: Chief Executive Officer