Baywater Healthcare support The Africa Trust

20th June 2024

Staying hydrated is crucial to our health. Being well-hydrated improves our mood, prevents headaches and increases productivity. As we enter the summer months, there is a higher risk of becoming dehydrated when the weather is hot. The key to staying hydrated is to drink regularly throughout the day.


To support our employees’ health, we have recently invested in water coolers from AquAid for our head office and depot locations.


Our investment has also supported our sustainability and social value efforts. Our unique relationship with AquAid has allowed us to help those less fortunate than ourselves, to whom access to clean drinking water to stay hydrated is limited. Along with our purchase, a donation has been made to The Africa Trust. The funds raised by The Africa Trust are used to build water wells known as ‘Elephant pumps’ in communities around Africa to give them access to fresh drinking water. One such pump is currently being installed on our behalf.


To date, AquAid has built over 10,000 Elephant Pumps across parts of Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, and it has donated over £20 million to charity. Baywater Healthcare’s name will be proudly displayed on our well and we are thrilled to be able to support such an important project.