The European Lung Foundation provide a list of many airlines and their contact details. You can visit their website here:
Asthma + Lung UK
This UK charity supports those affected by lung disease. or 0300 222 5800
Bliss is a charity for babies who are born with conditions. or 020 7378 1122
British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA)
BCGA’s mission is to ensure safety in the use, storage, transportation and handling of gases. Several leaflets can be downloaded on this page, including home oxygen, travelling with oxygen and oxygen fires.
British Paediatric Respiratory Society (BPRS)
The BPRS is a multidisciplinary organisation that exists to promote all children’s respiratory health and improve the health of children with respiratory disease.
Membership in the society is open to Healthcare Professionals who are active in paediatric respiratory medicine.
ChILD Lung Foundation
ChILD is a patient-led group whose main aim is to unite families and raise awareness of Childhood Interstitial Lung Disease (ChILD).
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the UK’s most common life-threatening inherited disease. The CF Trust is the UK’s only national charity dedicated to all aspects of Cystic Fibrosis. The site includes the latest news, research, information and how to donate. or 0300 373 1000
Public services information from the UK Government.
European Lung Foundation (ELF)
The ELF are an international organisation that brings patients, the public and Healthcare Professionals together to work towards improving lung health, diagnosis, treatment and care.
Growing Kids
This website offers advice for kids growing up.
National Fire Service
Free information on fire safety. You can also arrange a free Safe and Well Check. We encourage all of our patients to take advantage of this valuable life-saving service.
National Power Cut Helpline
If you have or suspect an electrical power cut, call the National Power Cut Helpline on 105 (24 hours, 7 days a week).
NHS Choices
NHS resource providing information about the Home Oxygen Service for the public, professionals and the NHS.
NHS Stop Smoking Service
For free advice and support on stopping smoking, please visit:
Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headaches (OUCH)
OUCH is the Organisation for the Understanding of Cluster Headaches. This website can offer support, information and advice for sufferers.
Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA)
The Pulmonary Hypertension Association provides support, understanding and information for all those whose lives are touched by pulmonary hypertension. The site contains information such as: what pulmonary hypertension is, living with it, how to cope and the latest news on pulmonary hypertension.
St John Ambulance
St John Ambulance provides basic first aid knowledge. or 0370 0104 950